Thirrje Interesi per Asistencën e Jashtme ne ndihme te realizimit te projektit “Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES), Bashke – financuar nga Delegacioni Evropian “.

Kukës, 13.04.2022

Subject: Call for interest for the External expertise within the project: “Support to the Municipality of Kukës in implementing  ““Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES)
Project Reference: Interreg IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Kosovo -Albania 2014-2020/ Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES, order nr. 334/1, date 07.04.2022
In the context of the partnership in the Project ““Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES), funded by “Interreg IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Kosovo -Albania 2014-2020”, the Municipality of Kukës has lunched the call upon their need on external expertise needed,:
” External Expertise Management and coordination expert”
The complete tender dossier is attached to this call for proposal.
It includes:
⦁ Instructions to tenderers and contract notice
⦁ Draft Contract Agreement and Special Conditions with annexes:
⦁ General Conditions for service contracts
⦁ Terms of Reference
⦁ Organization & Methodology;
⦁ CV of participant in the tender or Key experts (including templates for the summary list of key experts and their CVs)
⦁ Budget (to be submitted by the tenderer as the Financial offer using the template provided)
Other information:
⦁ Administrative compliance grid
⦁ Evaluation grid
⦁ Tender submission form

For full details of the tendering procedures, please see the Practical Guide and its annexes, which may be downloaded from the following website:
We look forward to receiving your tender before the deadline set in point 8 of the Instructions. Please send it to the address given in point 8.
The tender must comprise of a Technical offer and a Financial offer, which must be submitted in separate envelopes (see clause Error! Reference source not found.). Each Technical offer and Financial offer must contain one original, clearly marked ‘Original’, and 3 copies, each marked ‘Copy’.
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application in a sealed envelope indicating:

⦁ the address for submitting tenders indicated above;
⦁ the reference code of the tender procedure
⦁ the words ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ and equivalent phrase in Albanian “Mostehapetperpara fazes se hapjes se ofertavetetenderit”
⦁ and the name of the tenderer.
at the following address:
The Municipality of Kukes
Address: Sheshi “Skënderbej”, Kukës Lagja 5, 8501
E-mail: [email protected]

The deadline for the submission of the applications is 13.05.2022 ,16:00 hr. Only applications received prior to this deadline will be considered.
For more information and duration of the assignment please referred to the TORs (Terms of Reference) or request the full tender dossier at the email address here given.


Nr.______ prot. Kukës 13.04.2022
Lenda: Thirrje Interesi per Asistencën e Jashtme ne ndihme te realizimit te projektit “Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES), Bashke – financuar nga Delegacioni Evropian “.
Referenca e Projektit: “Interreg IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Kosovo -Albania 2014-2020/ Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES, order nr. 334/1, date 07.04.2022
Ne kuader te partneritetit ne projektin “Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES), Bashke – financuar nga programi “Interreg IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme Kosovo -Albania 2014-2020”, Bashkia Kukës, shpall thirrjen e tenderit per asistencën e jashtme te nevojshme ne kuader te projektit, si me poshte:
“External expertise – Management and coordination expert”

Dosja e plote e tenderit eshte bashkelidhur kesaj thirrjeje dhe duhet te permbaje:
⦁ Udhezime mbi tenderin dhe njoftimi I kontrates;
⦁ Draft Kontrate Marreveshjej edhe Kushtet e vecanta me anekset perkatese;
⦁ Kushtet e pergjithshme per kontratat e sherbimit;
⦁ Termat e References;
⦁ Metodologjia e Organizimit;
⦁ CV e aplikantit ne tender ose Eksperti kyc (perfshire modeli per paraqitjen e listes se eksperteve dhe CV se tyre);
⦁ Buxheti (sipas modelit te dhene);
⦁ Formulare dhe dokumenta te tjere suportues;

Informacionet e tjera:
⦁ Tabela e perputhjes Administrative
⦁ Tabela e Vleresimit
⦁ Formati I aplikimit ne tender
Per me shume detaje per procedurat e tenderimit te ndjekura, ju lutem ti referoheni modeleve te PRAG dhe anexeve te tij te cilat mund ti shkarkoni ne adresen e meposhtme:
Procedurat e Aplikimit:
Aplikimet duhet te jene ne anglisht dhe te permbajne, nje oferte teknike dhe nje oferte financiare, e cila duhet te dorezohet ne zarfat e ndara dhe te permbaje nje pale dokumenacion te shenuar si “Origjinal “ dhe tre kopje te shenuara “Kopje”.
Kandidatet e interesuar jane te ftuar te dorezojne aplikimet e tyre ne nje zarf te mbyllur ku te specifikohet:
a) Adresa e aplikantit te interesuar ;
b) Kodi i references per proceduren e siper pemendur te tenderit
c) Fjalet ‘Not to be opened before the tender-opening session’ dhe e kuivalentja fraze ne shqip “Mos te hapet perpara fazes se hapjes se ofertave te tenderit”
d) Emri i shoqerise se interesuar.
Per projektin“Eco-Tourism Routes in the Cross-Border Area for the Promotion of Alternative Tourism (ECO-ROUTES)”, ne adresen e meposhtme :
The Municipality of Kukes
Address: Sheshi “Skënderbej”, Kukës Lagja 5, 8501
E-mail: [email protected]

Aplikimet pranohen deri me 13.05.2022, brenda ores 16:00. Do te shqyrtohen vetem aplikimet qe mberrijne brenda ketij afati.
Per me shume informacion mbi dosjen e plote te tenderit si dhe kerkesave dhe afateve te kohezgjatjes se kontrates, referojuni Termave te References se publikuar ketu,apo kerkoni nje informacion me te plote rreth dosjes se tenderit ne adresen elektronike te dhene me siper.


